POIST Systems ™ Press
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Read MoreAs first responders in our own personal careers, we encountered situations where we were exposed to harmful chemicals, radiation, or hazardous materials that were unrecognized or unrecorded at the time of the encounter. Today, many like us have no record of the hazardous encounters faced during the course of a career. We decided to develop an application that was easy to use, allowed entry of all hazards, stored reports, photos, and safety data information and was able to be stored for the long-term. We wanted the application to allow the user the ability to retrieve that information any time from any device that has access to the Internet. What we came up with was My Haz Tracker, an app that began the suite of life-tracking applications currently available through POIST Systems ™ today.
As we developed our hazardous tracking application, professionals in the medical, fire, police, military, manufacturing/construction, and transportation fields told us that they would like us to expand our applications to include products that support their personal, dependent and pet medical history. They said that they needed an information storage application that was safe, secure, user-friendly, and was able to archive their family’s personal information for years to come. We think we hit the mark with our current MyPOIST applications. As we grow, look for future applications that will help you remember and manage many other aspects of your life.
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Read MoreMyMedi911 is a game changer! Look for this lifesaving feature in My Medical, My Dependents or as a standalone mini application in MyMedi911.
Read MoreLatest legal actions around the hazards you may have encountered & more!
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